Sunday, April 5, 2009

Staying Home With Your Kids Is Like Eating Cake

Three reasons why:
  1. Eating cake and spending time with your kids are both at the top of the list of their respective categories ("Activities That Sustain Your Body", and "Ways To Pass the Time," respectively).
  2. If done to excess, both can be detrimental to your health. Too much cake causes enlarged fat cells and occasionally vomitting. Too much kid time causes enlarged anger cells and occasionally emotional vomitting.
  3. Even after periods of excessive consumption, exceptionally small amounts of abstinence are required to reintroduce the craving for more. Had too much cake for breakfast? Surely you'll be ready for another piece by lunchtime. Spent the last 10 months spending nearly every day with your children and just left them this afternoon? Turns out you'll be jonesing for a kid fix by dinner.


  1. While we were singing at the Hymn Sing yesterday, I was thinking about you and what you and the fam might be doing at any given moment. You are on our hearts and in our prayers.

  2. Anonymous is Angela...Sorry, I don't know how to work this.

  3. Thanks, Angela! <3

    Incidentally, you can post comments using your name by clicking on the "Comment as:" drop-down menu just below the "Post a Comment" box. If you have a Google account, you can use that, or you can select "Name/URL" and just put your name in there.

  4. Pam Billiter-YoderApril 7, 2009 at 7:45 AM

    Marc and Michelle
    Love the "Hot N Sandy Site"! The tatoos each of your received are awesome. I had just received update from Michelle, was unaware of your departure. You and the family will be in our prayers. Keep us posted when able. God be with you!
